December 24, 2010

Virus in RFID


There has been a recent attack on a RFID chip implanted into Dr Mark Gasson’s left wrist by a virus. He gave an interview to BBC world news about the same and its effects.
There are many things we can do with a RFID chip. We can communicate with our mobile phone, we can gain access to our organization we work for and so on. If the chip we use to get access to the machines gets infected there are chances that the machines we show the RFID chip will get infected as well like mainstream computers.

An RFID chip means Radio Frequency Identity which will be embedded into human body to access like it is being done to animals. It is going to be a revolution in future; everyone will be having a RFID chip with all their personal details fed in to it. It may replace SSID to have advanced tracking system.

The virus that has infected the chip that Dr Mark Gasson has implanted into his hand is infecting all the machines that he is accessing using that. BBC news asked how well they infect the devices or computers that he accesses. Medical implants are prone to viruses as the implanting technology has developed to a point where they are capable of communicating, storing, and manipulating data. So technology has to keep pace with the new viruses that are being invented daily and should secure themselves from viruses.


Very helpful post, thanks for sharing this.

Very informative and helpful post..

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